Information questions
Information questions adalah kalimat tanya yang membutuhkan jawaban berupa explanation (penjelasan). Kata tanya yang digunakan dapat berupa single word: what, where, why, who, whom, whose, which atau how; atau berupa phrase: whose + noun (noun-nya siapa), how long (berapa lama/berapa panjang), how many (berapa banyak), how much (berapa banyak), how often, what time, what kind (tipe/jenis/macam apa), which one (yang manakah), etc.
Ada 2 pola information questions, yaitu:
a. Jika yang ditanyakan adalah subject kalimat. Inversi auxiliary/be/do/does/did tidak diperlukan. Yang diperlukan hanyalah mengganti subject kalimat dengan kata tanya. Kata tanya yang dapat digunakan dalam pola ini adalah what, who, dan kata tanya berupa phrase (i.e. whose+noun, how many+noun, how much+noun, etc.) .
Who What Kata tanya berupa phrase | + verb + (object) + (modifier) |
- Someone cleaned the house. Who cleaned the house? INCORRECT jika: Who did clean the house?
- Somebody has been killed. Who has been killed?
- Jeny is smiling at her boyfriend’s photo. Who is smiling at her boyfriend’s photo?
- John just did the homework a few minutes ago. Who just did the homework a few minutes ago? Di kalimat ini, DID bukan kata bantu, melainkan verb2 dari DO.
- Something happened this morning. What happened this morning? INCORRECT jika: What did happen this morning?
- The increased gas price makes people unhappy. What makes people unhappy? INCORRECT jika: What does make people unhappy?
- Daniel’s book has been stolen. Whose book has been stolen? (Bukunya siapa telah dicuri?).
- Rembrandt’s painting received a one-million dollars offer. Whose painting received a one-million dollars offer? (offer = tawaran harga).
- More than two hundred people came to the party. How many people came to the party?
- There are two cars parked in front of your house. Which one is yours? (Yang manakah mobilmu?). The red one is mine.
b. Jika yang ditanyakan adalah selain subject kalimat. Polanya adalah kata tanya + yes/no questions.
KATA TANYA + | Auxiliary Be Do/does/did | + subject + verb . . . |
- Jessica has known Andika since she was 7 years old. Whom has Jessica known since she was 7 years old? Note: Walaupun who lebih sering digunakan dalam speaking, tetapi dalam writing/ujian, gunakanlah selalu whom jika orang yang ditanyakan posisinya object kalimat.
- My brother just bought a new computer yesterday. What did your brother just buy yesterday?
- John is leaving for Jakarta tomorrow morning. When is John leaving for Jakarta?
- Nining lives on jalan Sudirman. Where does she live?
- You look so happy. Why do you look so happy?
- How is she? (Bagaimana kabar/keadaan dia?)
- I saw Marita’s car heading north on my way here. Whose car did you see? (Mobil siapa yang kamu lihat?). (heading north =menuju/ke arah utara)
- Maria and Mario have been seeing each other for 5 years. How long have they been seeing each other? (Berapa lama mereka telah pacaran?).
- I like this cell phone. How much does it cost? (Berapa harganya?). Note: Gunakan how much jika yang ditanyakan adalah uncountable noun.
- How much money do you want to borrow from me? Jika konteksnya sudah jelas, kalimatnya cukup dengan: How much do you want to borrow from me?
- Budi has a lot of non-fiction books. How many non-fiction books does Budi have? Note: Gunakan how many jika yang ditanyakan adalan countable noun.
- To keep her body slim, Jacqueline goes to the gym three times a week. How often does she go to the gym to keep her body slim?
- What time will your plane take off? (Jam berapa pesawat kamu akan tingal landas?)
- What kind of music do you like the most? (Musik jenis apa yang paling kamu sukai?)
- When will you give me a chance to love you? (chance = opportunity = kesempatan)
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